Sunday, 31 July 2011

Week 10 Lab 1 ( Video references)

Clearly raising her fist and screaming at the guy has made it clear that she's mad.

The hand movement of the girl has staged the play to be her hitting the boy.

Secondary Action-
After raising voice, a fist is raised to indicate the secondary action to show that she's mad.

Slow in and slow out-
When crouching, he slows in and he slows out as well when jumping.

The Squash and Stretch-
When he squats, the squash motion is shown and when he jumps, the stretch motion is shown.

Anticipation -
Because he squats down, people will anticipate his next movement to be a jump.

He jumps up very fast.

Follow through and overlapping action-
His body followed through his momentum of his first action of jumping upwards.

The guy 's back is shown and not his front which makes his appeal mysterious and capturing people's attention.

- The movements of the guy throwing shows us the arcs that his hands has formed.

Straight ahead action pose to pose
-  Throwing the thing requires momentum, hence the following actions will be pose to pose as well, if not they will look weird and unrealistic.