Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Research (Lights in Maya)

I have learned more about lights in maya after reading this research.

First of all, to create lights, we must go create>lights> and select which light we want.
For all kinds of lights, there are two attributes, color and intensity.

Color - This lets us choose the color of the light.

Intensity - This refers to the intensity of the light, which leads to high or low contrast effect.

There are also six kinds of lights for us to use.

Ambient Light - It is recommended that we do not use this light because it creates a washed-out rendering effect.

Directional Light - This light allows us to set light in a direction. It is recommended for almost all lighting scenarios and is especially good with outdoor rendering.

Point Light - This is a light that is good for simulating light bulbs.

Spotlight - This light is just as its name implies.

Area Light - This light is usually used for simulating sunlight through windows or even studio lights.

Volume Lights - These lights emit light from a volume shape like box, sphere, cone and cylinders.

Through this research, i have learned that there are so many lights to choose from, and each of them will have a different effect in the final rendering. This will help me in my future modelling or even animation.


Research (Parent/Child in Maya)

This research has taught me about the parent and child relationship in Maya.

From what i have read, a parent is like a "boss" and a child is like a "subordinate". So what happens in Maya is that whatever stuff we do to the parent, the child will get affected as well. However, what we do to the child will not affect the parent at all. Also, i learned that in Maya, an object can only have a parent. However, there are no limitations to the a parent having a parent.

So in other words, there can be generations and generations.

Also, to parent an object, i must first select the object i want as a child. After that, i select the object i want as a parent. And from there, i go to edit>parent.

With this knowledge, i can now sort of group things together and model more efficiently.


Research (Creating Lightning in Maya

This research has taught me how to create lightning in Maya.

Firstly, i create a set of objects that the lightening is supposed to bounce from/to.
Then, i go to dynamics menu set. From there, i go to effects>create lightning.
In the tutorial, i learned that each attribute does something.
Group lightnings - This groups the lightnings together.
Creation options>All - This means that all objects will be included with the effect.
Create options>in order - This will create the lightning from the order selected..
Create options>from list -This will mean that the lightning will be sourced form the first object.
Curve segments - This will split the lightning up into more sections, so as to define it more.
Thickness - This refers to the thickness of the lightning bolt.
Max spread - This makes the lightning "jump".
Lightning start - This is an offset at the point where the lightning is created.
Lightning end -  This is an offset at the point where the lightning ends.
Lightning glow intensity - This refers to the glow in the shader.

After adjusting my attributes this is my end product


This exercise was pretty cool. although my three spheres was only lit by the lightning itself, it was still cool that it was so simple to create a lightning effect in Maya.


Research (Measuring distances in Maya)

This research has taught me how to find out the distance between objects in Maya.

First of all, i experimented with create>measure tools>distance tool.

Now, i create two cubes side by side to each other. 

With the cubes created, i now use the create distance tool again. 
But first, i have to switch to Animation menu set.
Now, i have to shift select the cube first then followed by one of the connectors. With the two selected, i now go to constrain>point. Then, i repeat this step for the other cube.

And this is the result.

This research has taught me how to measure the distance. Although currently i feel that it has no use to me, i believe that in the future i will be able to apply this knowledge whether it be modelling or animation.


Research (Creating Text in Maya)

I researched about how to create text in maya and this is what i got.

First, we go to create>text. Then i had to tweak some settings as mentioned in the tutorial. Like changing the type to poly for example.

Next, after the text was created, i now had to extrude it so that it looks 3D. Also, i had to do it one by one because when i extruded all at once, it will go wrong.

After extruding all of the letters, this is my final product.

I now know that it is very easy to create text in Maya. In fact, maybe i could create a letter using it and then modify it to suit my modelling needs.


Week 4: Lab 1 – E-Learning

Does multi-tasking give you a real or false sense of having accomplished something?

To me, multi-tasking gives me a false sense of self-confidence. That is to say that when i am multi-tasking, i have this assumption of being very capable. This would be due to the fact that being able to do different things at one go is considered to be amazing. In fact, self-confidence comes from one who accomplished great things or even small things. So for me, when i multi-task, i get a sense of achievement because i had completed two or more different things a one go. However, in my opinion, real or false sense does not matter at all, because in the end we will end up thinking we have accomplished something.

Is learning 3D and design different from learning programming, or is all learning the same?Why?

Learning these two subjects are no small matter, because they both have a lot of content to be learned. However, there are slightly different learning approaches for them.
First of all, design is made up of a core factor called creative. And being creative and being logical are two totally different things. For me, 3D and design makes use of our creative juices and senses, and on the other hand, programming is pretty much stagnant and traditional studying. In 3D, being able to see through the 3D view in a 2D medium takes some skill that not anybody can learn. Also in programming, being able to understand the flow of logic in the codes is a skill that not just anybody can learn as well. Therefore, logical thinking is very important in programming. And in 3D, imagination is a much bigger factor than logical thinking. But, one can argue that logic makes up the 3D view in our brain. However, to picture that in our brain and then drawing it out is a very different thing.
Also, learning does not equal to studying. In our field, practical hands-on is very important and crucial to success. Because these are subjects that will keep on evolving throughout the years and to practical learning approach is the best way for us to retain memory so that we do not forget what we learned.

The article states that "Learning is actually a very complex operation for an individual". Do you agree with this? Do you feel that you approach your learning style in the best way - if yes, how, and if no, how can you change your work style?

Yes. Definitely. This is because of the process that i believe the mind takes to learn. Firstly, we must get exposed to the subject. Secondly, we must interact with it. Thirdly, we have to understand it. Fourthly, we must apply it. Finally, we must memorize the subject and recall the process of how we get to this stage. 
In approaching my learning style, i believe i use the process that i just stated. Therefore, it i feel that it is undeniably the best way. Just as i stated, i first got introduced to the subject by lecturers. Then, i got to play around with the program. And as i was playing around with the program, the lecturers gives us guidance and theory. And then i apply what i learn from them. And finally, i memorized what i have done in the past and so in the future, apply the same techniques again.

What are your thoughts about the last paragraph in the extract?

It is true that in our industry, talent plays a big role in getting the job. However, like the paragraph stated, there is the other factor. And i believe that the other factor is a bigger one. Having a personality that fits in the team will mean that good relations with the team is a must, and also, not be a burden to the team. In relations, you don't have to be extremely sociable, just sociable enough so that you can at least chat a bit while having lunch. Not becoming a burden means that not handing up work late. As stated by the paragraph, communication is important. And so, i believe that being able to take constructive criticism from people is a great strength, because, after taking them, i would be able to show better works as based on the critics. Thus, this paragraph pretty much sums up everything that i believe is right.

Should your lecturers also focus on your work attitude, or just leave you to sink or swim on your own? Why?

Ok first of all, in order for lecturers to focus on our work attitude, they should first understand them. Because, i believe all of us have different approaches to work. And so, after understanding them they should focus on them and then decide to leave us to sink or swim on our own. If our works are too far behind, lecturers should get the reason from us. And after getting that reason, they should step in and help us swim or leave us to sink. Because you never know if whether the student really do not understand or is just too lazy to do the work. If we are doing fine, then it should be fine for us to swim on our own as well. But, once in a while lecturers should have a talk with us regarding this work attitude. So that mutual understanding can be achieved.