Firstly, i create a set of objects that the lightening is supposed to bounce from/to.
Then, i go to dynamics menu set. From there, i go to effects>create lightning.
In the tutorial, i learned that each attribute does something.
Group lightnings - This groups the lightnings together.
Creation options>All - This means that all objects will be included with the effect.
Create options>in order - This will create the lightning from the order selected..
Create options>from list -This will mean that the lightning will be sourced form the first object.
Curve segments - This will split the lightning up into more sections, so as to define it more.
Thickness - This refers to the thickness of the lightning bolt.
Max spread - This makes the lightning "jump".
Lightning start - This is an offset at the point where the lightning is created.
Lightning end - This is an offset at the point where the lightning ends.
Lightning glow intensity - This refers to the glow in the shader.
After adjusting my attributes this is my end product
This exercise was pretty cool. although my three spheres was only lit by the lightning itself, it was still cool that it was so simple to create a lightning effect in Maya.
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